Technology that turns every mention of a product in any source into an addition to cart.

An innovative and radically new way of interacting with the customer

A fundamentally new way
of interaction with the customer
PagaNet API was created for big players of E-Commerce and retail market who have their own mobile application based on IOS and Android
Seller of goods with PagaNet API technology will be able to use sales in social media 100%.
This is a unique opportunity for the company to get the most advanced sales tools and technology to generate leads and maintain existing customers
Technology - can change consumer behavior and create a new experience based on the principle of adding product offers to the shopping cart
How does the technology work?
PagaNet API technology collects orders into your shopping cart directly from any source on the Internet
After the buyer installs the merchant app, the icon appears in the "Share" / "Share" menu on the iOS or Android device
PagaNet API converts a link from anywhere on the internet into the merchant's product ID and passes it to the app
2. The product that the buyer has shared with the merchant's app is displayed in a widget
3. Clicking the "Add to cart" button shows the item in the buyer's cart of the merchant's app.
All that remains is to pay.
Have questions?
Send us an application and we'll tell you in detail,
What will your app be like and what will be included in it absolutely free of charge?
Fill in the data and our specialists will contact you.
You will learn more about all the benefits of working with PagaNet
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